Silicone Swirl

Product model : Swirl

Minimum order required: 100 wristbands
They can be bagged individually, in option.

With the silicone swirl wristbands, 4 options are available:

  • Debossed
  • Embossed
  • Imprinted
  • Colorfilled

Sizes available

XL 216 X 12 X 2 mm  /  8,5" x 0,5" x 0,078" 
Adult 202 X 12 X 2 mm  / 8" x 0,5" x 0,078" 
Middle 192 X 12 X 2 mm / 7,5" x 0,5" x 0,078" 
Youth 180 X 12 X 2 mm  /  7" x 0,5" x 0,078" 
Kids 150 X 12 X 5 mm  / 6" x 0,5" x 0,078" 

For a quote or to place an order : 1-800-267-6757


25 colours available


  • White color Silicone Swirl